
Prevention Interventions and Protection

1-Sports for Development (S4D) Centers (Prevention from Crime, and Drug Abuse)
Azad Foundation will adopt Sports for Development (S4D) as the main strategy for its field and community-level interventions at the local and national levels. It will develop an S4D model integrated services to use the power of sports to engage and facilitate at-risk and vulnerable children and communities alike in the prevention of crime, drug abuse, and other Risk factors. The model will also be produced in the development of a wider, systematic, and sustainable community-based child protection network. This will also provide a strong and eligible platform for other child development-related interventions like health, education, and WASH. For this purpose, Azad Foundation already identifies and engages the most vulnerable communities through S4D. AF will establish and strengthen community groups, comprising committed individuals, to form the proposed community-based child protection network. AF will also facilitate the community groups i.e. network to build linkages with all relevant child development and protection services and institutions to establish a critical pathway for responding to a relevant issue. This will empower the communities and will help in preventing harm to children. These groups will be trained in peacebuilding, women and girls rights, conflict resolution, community development, children development, child protection issues, gender equality, and legal rights and procedures concerning children in the same areas.

2-Child-Friendly Creative Learning Centers (CFCLC)
AF and Local Government will collaborate to build a child-friendly city where every street-connected child lives and works in a safe and sustainable environment and has access to inclusive social services, AF establishes safe spaces for strengthening and extending outreach to a massive population of street-connected children. In addition to the standard services package, street-connected children will be provided Sports and recreational services, Psychosocial counseling, Art, performing arts and crafts, digital arts, Music, Life Skills, English Reading and writing, and Mathematics from in these safe spaces so that they can protect themselves during and after services. Moreover, reproductive and sexual health, and drug abuse information will be provided to parents and children through localized and tested instruments. Increasing this kind of knowledge will ensure prevention and protection from within. It is to be here that all the interventions of the Azad Foundation will focus on both boys and girls including sports. A slightly different approach may be adopted for girls considering the social and cultural context but the model will remain the same. Reproductive health intervention will also be more helpful for girls since they are more vulnerable to all kinds of harassment and abuse.

3-Child-friendly city network
The Child-friendly city network will also ensure the sustainability of this intervention. Information and communications technology for development (ICT4D) will be adopted as the main strategy for life skills, education, and general and reproductive health information. Resources and tools specific to the aforementioned will be developed specifically in the local context.

4-Multipurpose outdoor sport-based Information and Protection centers
Establishment of Multipurpose sports centers for street-connected and vulnerable children and youth with the support of the private sector and Local Government. The center will provide information and protection services through sports for prevention and protection from all harm.

5-Psycho-social and mental health support Units for parents, children, and youth

 6-Access to Justice Right to Every Child
3000 children have free access to justice and timely remedy for violation of any rights, sexual abuse, and exploitation,